Saturday, January 26, 2013

Shocking Facts That Proves You Need To Use Social Media To ...

Social media has become huge in the last few years forcing industries such as PR and internet marketing to change their games. Nearly every retail store is now online and 90% of us turn to the internet first when looking for an answer to a question, service or a business. All of this means to succeed as a business in this day and age, you have to be online. Not only do you need a website, you need social media platforms, search engine?optimization?and in some cases PR too. Here are some facts which I am sure will over rule any doubts you have in the importance of putting your business online-

General Internet Facts

  • There are more devices (phones, laptops, pc?s) connected to the internet than there are people in the world.
  • There are six billion people on the planet- 4.8 billion have a mobile phone in which they can access the internet from.
  • Every minute of the day 2 million searches are carried out on Google.

Social Media Facts

  • 40% of people?socialize?more online than they do in person.
  • 91% of internet usage on mobile phones is on social media sites.

Facebook Facts

Twitter Facts

  • 340 million tweets are sent a day.
  • One million new accounts are made a day.
  • 60% of users are female.
  • Twitter is the second most popular marketing tool for businesses.


Social Media For Business Facts

  • 74% of those using social media for their business saw an increase in traffic to their website from spending 6 hours working on their social media sites a week.
  • 62% of business owners consider social media to be their most important marketing campaign.

So now hopefully you see why so many businesses are jumping on board the social media train you should do the same! It has been proven recently that social media does help with SEO- helping you rank higher on Google. SEO is essential for businesses too, so if you haven?t looked into SEO yet look up your local UK SEO company for advice. As seen above; two million searches are carried out on Google every minute of the day, but 90% of people won?t click further than page one, meaning it is essential your business shows up on the first page.

Don?t over look other social media platforms, such as Pinterest, Instagram and Linkedin. Ideally, you should be on all of these and making the most out of social media, after all they are all free marketing tools!

Creative Commons?image source

Eilidh MacRae is writing on behalf of Marketing By Web.?This internet marketing agency is based in Bristol and offers services in online marketing for a large range of clients. For more information on SEO, Adwords and social media management visit their website today.


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