Thursday, April 25, 2013

Coyotes Kill Pet Dogs in Frontenac ? CBS St. Louis

FRONTENAC, Mo. (KMOX) - One Frontenac family says coyotes are to blame for the death of their two small dogs over the weekend.

Debbie Rudawsky says her sons let the two dogs out at about 10:15 at night, and when the dogs didn?t come back in after 20 minutes, the family became worried.

When the family decided to drive the neighborhood, looking for the dogs, they saw them in the yard, both had been attacked.

Debbie says the vet did an autopsy and concluded that each dog was attacked by a coyote.

?She felt very confident that it was at least two animals. The injuries were around the neck and the bruising was such that their necks were snapped.? said Rudawsky.

The Frontenac city administrator is sending a notice around to all resident to be on the watch for coyotes.

Do coyotes often roam the burbs?

Wildlife Biologist with the Missouri Department of Conservation, Tom Meister says coyotes are adaptable and have no natural predator so they can survive very well in the suburbs.

?They will eat just about anything? said Meister ?garbage, pet food, apples, so there is quite a smorgasbord for them in urban areas.?

Coyotes have, and will, invade neighborhoods, and right now they?ve likely had young and are out looking for food. ?What can you do? says Meister, ?harass them.? ?squirt them with a hose scare them by banging pots and pans.?

He also suggests keeping food out of sight and says make noise before you leave the house and don?t let your pets outside unattended.


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