Friday, June 1, 2012

Time Management Tips - 3 Ways to Realign Your Energy to ...

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Time management tips can help you create a framework to increase your energy, your productivity and profitability. Do you feel weighed down by daily demands? Perhaps you have lost sight of how your daily choices connect to meaningful life goals. It can be easy to get caught up in routines. Spontaneity decreases, and you feel you "have to" go through the motions. All too often, this leads to resentment and procrastination.

But by orchestrating your time choices with your deepest values, you can dramatically shift your outlook and boost your personal productivity, too. I call this value-driven time management, or heart-based time management. It brings much-needed harmony to busy lives.

Think of how you feel at a concert as the musicians tune up. Notes clash aimlessly, and you shift restlessly in your seat. Next, recall the surge of excitement that courses through you as the musicians launch into a powerful and unified performance! Which would you rather have your day feel like? Which is most likely to yield the rewards that your efforts deserve?

Here are 3 easy, dependable ways to unify your energies at the onset of the day. Used in combination with an effective To Do List, especially a Double Column Template, these 3 guidelines will help you build focus, momentum and success.

3 Guidelines To Revitalize Your Schedule

Prepare for this exercise by creating a To Do List or Double Column Template for the day. Then, next to each activity, briefly describe what value it supports. For example, preparing a financial analysis may help you coordinate your business strategies. Shopping for groceries can help you keep plenty of healthy food on hand. Next, look at the big picture. Which of your values is well supported? Which needs more attention? The following 3 tips will help you use this overview to channel your energy, your enthusiasm and your productivity.

1. Realign: Create A Snapshot Of Where You Deprive Yourself.

Don't be surprised if your time choices reveal where you experience the greatest sense of "disconnect" in your life. Quite often, people describe that they are not supporting central values with the time needed to promote them! The more directly you correlate the areas of your life that aren't working with the amount and quality of time you allocate (or don't!), the more motivated you become to revise your time choices accordingly.

2. Revitalize: Fully Own Your Choices.

It pays you - over and over, to give yourself credit.

Examine which values you support with your present time choices. This exercise may help you dignify choices you currently dismiss as obligatory. How much energy do you misuse by grumbling over tasks you "have to" do? That's energy you can redirect to validating yourself for the discipline you have developed, and for your follow-through. An additional benefit: claiming your productive time choices as intentional may help you break the procrastination habit!

Then again, you may discover that some habitual pastimes reflect values that don't truly serve you. In that case, what values would you rather fund with your time?

3. Analyze: Budget Your Time To Align With Your Values.

Now's the time to draw some broader conclusions. How closely do your values and your time choices match up overall? Do big outlays of energy yield only small benefits, while prominent projects claim only insignificant slivers of time? You have the power to make the changes that will reward you.

Time is the currency of your life. The more closely you identify with the benefits your values can bring you, the more consistently you will direct your time and energy where they need to go.

So, do yourself a favor... conduct this review as often as necessary. And each morning, ask yourself with warmth and genuine curiosity - how can you use your time most effectively today?

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