Sunday, August 19, 2012

Introducing Mrs. Hornocker ?

I had such a great time getting to know all of my students on Friday. We spent the day figuring out our new routines and getting to know each other. Writer?s Notebooks were a big hit and so were our Acrostic Poem headbands. As we rushed to get out the door on Friday several students may have forgotten their letter I sent home introducing myself to all of my parents. Please find that at the end of the post.? I look forward to meeting everyone and a great year at APA. By the end of the week, look for a newsletter to come home with the students. I will post it here too. The biggest changes to look for this week are the homework policies and our Go Home Folder information. We will not have a lot of worksheets for homework, but be assured we are working hard in Real Math, Imagine It, Compass and lots of hands-on learning opportunities that help eliminate the need for worksheets. Spelling will start next Week.

August 17, 2012


Dear Parents,


Happy Friday!? As you may already know, Mrs. Wilkins has decided to leave APA and we wish her luck on her next adventure.? I am going to be your child?s new teacher and wanted to take a moment to introduce myself to you.? My name is Jessica Hornocker.? (Mrs. H will work perfectly for everyone J.)? I taught 2nd grade for five years in Avon before leaving the traditional classroom to start my family.? For the last eight years, I have worked in various roles as a special education consultant and enrichment program teacher.? I also have worked within the home school community in Indianapolis as a teacher and consultant while working the majority of the time at home with my own children.? This week I was called back into the classroom and am thrilled to get the opportunity to work with your students this school year.? Teaching is and always has been a calling and passion for me.? The teaching model of APA is an exact model of my educational philosophy and it is a blessing to be given this opportunity.? Below I have listed my 5 classroom rules and on Monday you will get a detailed description of classroom expectations and anything else you need to know to ensure your child has a fantastic school year.? You can count on your child doing fabulous projects, daily reading activities and lots of hands-on learning.? Our focus will be on learning to love learning and learning the next thing each student needs to know.? Mastery of skills will be a must!? On a personal note, I am married to my high school sweetheart and we are raising three boys (8, 6 and 3 years old) on the far Westside of Indianapolis with our two dogs.? We love to play games, sing and dance and just hang-out with each other.? Sports of all kinds are a family favorite.? I look forward to meeting you all soon and am so excited to be here at APA.? Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need to discuss anything.? My contact information will be coming home as soon as I know my school number and e-mail.? In the meantime, you can call the school office if you need to reach me.? (765-649-8472 ? Option 2)


Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. H


  1. Show Respect to Everyone and Everything.
  2. Never Do Nothing.
  3. Always Do Your Best.
  4. Try New Things.
  5. Have fun!




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