Thursday, October 25, 2012

James Bond's MI6 Fails Cybersecurity in 'Skyfall'

James Bond's latest outing, "Skyfall," shows how secret agents struggle to survive in a world where spy covers can be blown by an act as simple as uploading a YouTube video. But the film also suggests that even the best secret agents can be startlingly ignorant of basic online security rules and safety.

The British Secret Intelligence Service, better known as MI6, finds itself under siege in "Skyfall" as it tries to prevent some very important information from leaking onto the Internet. The service comes under fire both from cyberattackers and from British politicians who doubt whether the spy agency can remain relevant in a globally connected, information-saturated world.

By spending most of his time in his usual globetrotting pursuit of the villain, Bond (played by Daniel Craig) succeeds in avoiding any major cybersecurity mistakes. The same can't be said for his steely boss, M (Judi Dench), or MI6's new quartermaster Q (Ben Whishaw).

(Warning: The rest of this article contains plot spoilers.)

The emphasis on cybersecurity threats goes hand-in-hand with Raoul Silva, the main villain of "Skyfall" ? played with villainous delight by Javier Bardem ? who introduces himself to Bond in a room filled with the skeletal metal racks of computer servers. Silva proceeds to boast of his ability to do almost anything online, whether interfering with satellite signals over Kabul or destabilizing multinational corporations through stock market manipulation.

Silva's shadowy schemes present a stiff-enough challenge to Bond and colleagues. But the other big part of MI6's problems in "Skyfall" comes from the woeful ignorance of the agency's best people regarding basic online security steps.

When M receives an extremely suspicious pop-up message on her personal laptop that is clearly from Silva, she does the right thing by closing ? wait, is she clicking on it instead? Isn't that how people are always getting viruses or other nasty pieces of malware on their computers? Luckily for M, it's only a warning from the villain. [6 Signs Your Computer Has Been Infected ... and 4 Ways to Fix It]

The new, younger Q really should know better. But the confident young cyberwhiz ignores the axiom that your network is only as secure as its weakest link. Instead he connects the villain's personal laptop to the entire MI6 network in his attempts to decrypt the information on it. This seems like the equivalent of wheeling a wrapped, bomb-shaped gift from a sworn enemy into your office without even bothering to peek inside. The results, needless to say, do not turn out well.

Regardless of MI6's mistakes, Silva appears to hack the intelligence agency's network almost at will during their game of cat and mouse. He carries out real-world espionage by turning on the gas in MI6 headquarters with some explosive results ? an attack that echoes the real-world damage caused by Stuxnet on Iran's nuclear program centrifuges, as well as demonstrations of how cyberattacks can lead the way to industrial espionage at power plants or wastewater facilities.

Q boasts he can do more damage sitting in front of a laptop in his pajamas one morning than Bond could do in a year. His smugness is short-lived, of course. In the end, he concedes to Bond that "somebody still has to pull the trigger" ? just the job for 007, the man with a license to kill.

This story was provided by TechNewsDaily, a sister site to LiveScience. You can follow TechNewsDaily Senior Writer Jeremy Hsu on Twitter @jeremyhsu. Follow TechNewsDaily on Twitter @TechNewsDaily, or on Facebook.

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ashley Benson and James Franco: New Couple Alert?


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Voting amendment foes mobilize college students to get out message

Opponents of the proposed voting amendment on Tuesday mobilized college students to hammer home its message: The ballot question is too expensive to implement and could significantly alter absentee balloting and end Election Day registration.

A group of student leaders from across the state joined Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak in front of Coffman Memorial Union at the University of Minnesota to condemn what they called an unnecessary amendment that would end Election Day registration?? crucial for many student voters ? and complicate absentee voting for transient college kids.

They also raised concerns that students might not be able to use college IDs as acceptable identification to vote.

?With all of these unintended consequences, what problem are we trying to solve?? Rybak asked. ?The Legislature needs to get this done ? send this back ? let?s not use our constitution to limit rights.?

If the amendment passes, the new Legislature then would have to draft enabling legislation to outline how it will be implemented. Opponents have seized on that uncertainty and urged voters to send the measure back to the Legislature to have all of its effects publicly aired and potential problems fixed.

?We can?t be sure just how many votes will be restricted if the Voter ID amendment passes because the Legislature has failed to provide any details about its associated enabling legislation, engaging, instead, in a ?trust us? game on this critical issue,? said professor Chris Cramer, a faculty leader at the U.

Taylor Williams, president of the U?s Minnesota Student Association, said funding the potentially costly amendment could go toward holding down tuition prices and making higher education more affordable.

?It?s time we put students in front of unnecessary constitutional amendments,? he said. ?We are a better investment than this law.?

But voting amendment advocates say the cost of any new system ? estimates vary wildly ? is worth clean elections. They insist that most aspects of voting in Minnesota will stay the same, despite opponents? doomsday predictions.

Rebecca Doepke, president of the U?s College Republicans, criticized student leaders for taking a stand against the ballot question. Statewide, she said, her group has been working with advocates to support the amendment.

?I personally don?t think it?s the place of student government to get involved in the amendment issues because they tend to be more partisan,? she said in an interview on Monday. ?Student government, like the U, ought to remain unpartisan and represent the student body as whole.?

Greta Bergstrom, a spokeswoman for the opposition groups, said after the event that it?s important to constantly engage the diverse constituencies that oppose the amendment.In the past the Our Vote Our Future coalition has highlighted the voting amendment?s potential consequences on seniors, local governments and the military.

?There?s so many complications, there?s so many consequences and the amendment would impact really different constituencies in different ways,? Bergstrom said.

With two weeks till Election Day, recent polls have shown the voting amendment?s popularity slipping. Our Vote Our Future released another broadcast TV advertisement on Tuesday that?s airing in the Twin Cities.

?Two weeks is an eternity in politics ? you have to remember we?ve also been on the phone for three months. We?ve talked to hundreds of thousands of Minnesotans, and the support is really soft and has been soft on this amendment,? she said. ?I think the TV ads are coming at the right time and helping to reinforce what a lot of Minnesotans have already been hearing.?


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Obama, Romney pumped for dash to the finish

BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) ? Their debates now history, President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney on Tuesday open a two-week sprint to Election Day powered by adrenaline, a boatload of campaign cash and a determination to reach Nov. 6 with no would-have, should-have regrets in their neck-and-neck fight to the finish.

From here, the candidates will vastly accelerate their travel, ad spending and grass-roots mobilizing in a race that's likely to cost upward of $2 billion by the time it all ends.

All the focus now is on locking down support in the nine states whose electoral votes are still considered up for grabs: Colorado, Iowa, Florida, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin and Virginia. No surprise then, that Obama campaigns Tuesday in Florida and Ohio while Romney heads West to Nevada and Colorado.

Asked Tuesday whether the race comes down to Ohio, Virginia and Florida as some observers have suggested, Vice President Joe Biden described the three as "critically important." He predicted victory in Ohio and Florida ? without mentioning Virginia.

"Look, this is going to be close," Biden said in an appearance on NBC's "Today" show. "We always knew at the end of the day this was going to be a close race, no matter who the Republicans nominated."

Neither candidate scored a knockout punch in their third and last debate Monday, as both men reined in the confrontational sniping that had marked their last testy encounter. And though the stated topic this time was foreign policy, both kept circling back to their plans for strengthening the fragile U.S. economy ? Job 1 to American voters.

Closing out their trio of debates, Obama concisely summed up this pivot point in Campaign 2012: "You've now heard three debates, months of campaigning and way too many TV commercials. And now you've got a choice."

The president framed it as a choice between his own record of "real progress" and the "wrong and reckless" ideas of Romney.

Romney countered by sketching "two different paths" offered by the candidates, one of decline under Obama and one of brighter promise from himself.

"I know what it takes to get this country back," he pledged.

With polls showing the race remains incredibly tight, first lady Michelle Obama made a prediction before the candidates left Florida that neither side would dispute: "This election will be closer than the last one ? that's the only guarantee."

Obama made it look easy in 2008. He won 365 electoral votes to 173 for Republican John McCain. And he got 53 percent of the popular vote, to 46 percent for McCain.

With 270 electoral votes needed for victory, Obama at this point appears on track to win 237 while Romney appears to have 191. The other 110 are in the hotly contested battleground states.

The candidates' strategies for getting to 270 are implicit in their itineraries for the next two weeks and in their spending on campaign ads.

Obama and his Democratic allies already have placed $47 million in ad spending across battlegrounds in the campaign's final weeks, while Romney and the independent groups supporting his candidacy have purchased $53 million, significantly upping their buys in Florida, Ohio and Virginia. And both sides are expected to pad their totals.

After Obama and Biden campaign together in Ohio on Tuesday, the president splits off on what his campaign is describing as a two-day "around-the-clock" blitz to six more battleground states. He'll be in constant motion ? making voter calls and sleeping aboard Air Force One as he flies overnight Wednesday from Nevada to Tampa, Fla.

The vice president is midway through a three-day tour of uber-battleground Ohio, and Obama's team contends its best way of ensuring victory is a win there. The campaign says internal polling gives Obama a lead in the Midwestern battleground state, in large part because of the popularity of the president's bailout of the auto industry.

But even if Obama loses Ohio, his campaign sees another pathway to the presidency by nailing New Hampshire, Iowa, Wisconsin, Nevada and Colorado.

Romney and running mate Paul Ryan are picking up the pace of their campaigning as well, and their schedule reflects an overarching strategy to drive up GOP vote totals in areas already friendly to the Republican nominee.

The Denver suburbs. Cincinnati. Reno, Nev. They're places that typically vote Republican, but where McCain fell short of the margins he needed to defeat Obama. To win in all-important Ohio, the GOP nominee must outperform McCain in typically Republican areas.

Romney and Ryan start their two-week dash in Henderson, Nev., then hopscotch to the Denver area for a rally with rocker-rapper Kid Rock and country music's Rodney Atkins at the Red Rocks Amphitheatre. Then Romney heads back to Nevada, on to Iowa and then east to Ohio for three overnights in a row. By week's end, he's likely to be back in Florida.

The following week brings a significant uptick in Romney's schedule. Aides say he'll touch down in two or three states a day, or hold that many daily events in big states like Florida.

Both candidates are done holding fundraisers ? no doubt a happy thought for the two of them.

But hold on to your wallets: Supporters will still be out there raising money, and there will be plenty of emails asking for cash right up to the finish.

The president began the month with a little less cash available than Romney, but both have impressive sums to blow through in the home stretch: $150 million for Obama and the Democrats, $183 million for Romney and the Republicans.

Immediately after the final debate, Obama pinged his supporters with an email that said simply: "This is in your hands now. Chip in $5 or more, and let's go win."

Republicans are dramatically bumping up ad spending in the biggest battlegrounds: In Florida, their spending this week hit $9.2 million after averaging about $5.8 million over the last four weeks. In Ohio, GOP ad spending jumped to $9.6 million this week from an average of $6.9 million over the last four weeks. Virginia saw a bump up to $7.9 million, compared with about $5.2 million over the last four weeks.

The Obama campaign on Tuesday released a new TV ad touting recent economic gains. "We're not there yet," Obama says in the ad, "but we've made real progress and the last thing we should do is turn back now." The ad will air in New Hampshire, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin and Colorado.

Out on the road, Romney has been demonstrating more confidence than ever. He's started making more impromptu stops at local establishments near campaign rallies, a departure from his typically buttoned-down schedule through the summer. His crowds are bigger and more energized, too. And some voters who've attended his recent rallies say his performance helps them to see Romney as a plausible president ? not just a candidate.

Obama, for his part, has been projecting a looser, more easygoing demeanor as he campaigns, using humor to undercut Romney.

He riffs about his rival's "Romnesia" ? a lighthearted way to drive home his opponent's shifting policy positions.

Both sides are working furiously to lock down every possible early vote, and the results are evident in the 4.4 million people who've already cast ballots.

Obama will detour to Chicago Thursday to make a statement about voting early by becoming the first president to cast his own early ballot.

The country is likely to easily exceed the early voting totals from 2008, when 30 percent of ballots were cast ahead of Election Day, according to Michael McDonald, a George Mason University professor who tracks early voting closely.

In Ohio, McDonald said, numbers are up across the board ? in rural, suburban and urban areas. As many as 45 percent of Ohio voters may cast early ballots, compared with less than 30 percent four years ago, he said. The numbers in North Carolina seem to be shifting in the Republicans' direction, McDonald says, and those in Iowa "seem to confirm polling showing a slight Obama lead" there.

This year's quartet of debates ? three for the presidential candidates and one for the veeps ? started on a friendly note, with Romney wishing Obama and wife Michelle a happy 20th anniversary, but goodwill quickly deteriorated. Both men were at times argumentative and the back-and-forth often shed more heat than light.

Romney started the debate at a disadvantage with a lack of foreign policy experience. But Ryan said former governors have been very effective world leaders.

"Just look back to Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan," Ryan said on "Today." ''What matters is policy doctrine."

Romney came on like gangbusters in the first debate and left a listless Obama reeling as GOP momentum surged. Biden poured it on for the Democrats in his faceoff with Ryan, rolling out a full complement of smirks, eye-rolls and headshakes. Obama himself rebounded in the fractious town-hall debate. Both Obama and Romney were better behaved in their final faceoff, with the president playing up his commander-in-chief credentials to full effect and Romney playing it safe to avoid making mistakes.

From it all ? more than 65,000 words of debate rhetoric ? there was no signature moment that is likely to be remembered much past Election Day.


Benac reported from Washington. AP writers Nedra Pickler, Julie Pace, Jack Gillum and Beth Fouhy in Washington and Kasie Hunt in Boca Raton, Fla., contributed to this report.


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Apple's iPad mini liveblog!

Apple may be playing things down, saying it's only a "little more," but we're pretty sure it's going to be big. Something really big. This liveblog is certainly going to be massive and we want you to be a part of it! The event takes place at 10:00 am PT and we'll be there live. Set your browsers at this very URL and check the local time, listed below. Refresh then and join us to see what's next!

October 23, 2012 1:00 PM EDT

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Apple's iPad mini liveblog! originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 23 Oct 2012 12:48:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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CyanogenMod logged swipe gestures used to unlock Android devices

Enlarge / The offending line of code, highlighted, has been removed.

CyanogenMod, an alternative open-source firmware distribution for Android smartphones and tablets, has been recording the swipe gestures used to unlock the devices, a developer involved in the open-source project said. The issue has been corrected in an update.

Gabriel Castro noticed an extra line of code that appears to have been added in August, when CyanogenMod was updated to make the grid size for screen locks configurable rather than fixed. In the process, the line was added, causing the unlock pattern to be recorded in a log file stored on the device.

"I'm really surprised nobody caught this," Castro wrote in comments accompanying a fix. An alternative to removing the line is adding a character to the code so it's treated as a comment and isn't executed. Either approach can be done "without breaking anything," he added.

The undocumented screen-lock logging isn't as serious for most users as many reported vulnerabilities are. To exploit the weakness, an attacker would first have to gain access to a device, or possibly a device backup stored on a hard drive. That makes it hard for an attacker to exploit the weakness on a large number of devices.

Still, the logging behavior could be of use in targeted attacks. Further, security experts have long cautioned against the storing of passwords, personal identification numbers, and other forms of passcodes in plaintext or even in an encrypted format that can be reversed. Logging the pattern required to unlock a phone is something that's unnecessary and can only diminish security.

As many as 2.5 million phones have installed CyanogenMod, which offers easier updating and is therefore viewed by some users as a more secure alternative to official carrier releases that often can't be upgraded regularly or at all. There's no benefit to having unlock patterns logged, so it makes sense to install the patch.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

5000 fps Camera Reveals the Physics of Baseball

concealment sends this quote from an article at The Physics of Baseball "This clip from Game 4 shows Marco Scutaro hitting the ball right near the tip of the barrel. The amplitude of the resulting vibration is so large that the bat breaks and the ball weakly dribbles off the bat. Note that the bat splinters toward the pitcher. The reason is that when the ball hits the barrel tip, the barrel of the bat bends backward toward the catcher and the center of the bat bulges forward toward the pitcher. That is the natural shape of the fundamental vibrational mode of the bat. Since the fracture occurs near the center which is bulging outward, that is how the bat splinters, as the wood fibers on the pitcher side of the bat are stretched to the breaking point. If the ball had impacted the bat near the center, the center would have bulged toward the catcher, as in the Yadier Molina clip. Had the vibrational amplitude been strong enough in the Molina case, the bat would have splintered toward the catcher."


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Romney pauses debate prep to officiate football game

Romney officiates a coin toss between his staff and reporters at a football game (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images??

DELRAY BEACH, Fla.?Mitt Romney emerged from a weekend of debate preparations on Sunday to take in a grudge match that had been in the works for weeks: a flag football game between his senior staff and the reporters who cover him.

Dressed in black shorts and a black t-shirt, the Republican presidential nominee made a brief appearance at the top of the game, which was held on the beach opposite the hotel where Romney has been holed up doing debate prep with his senior staff and Ohio Sen. Rob Portman. The senator also hit the gridiron, briefly playing for the Romney staff team.

"Shake hands, shake hands," Romney told the teams' captains Gail Gitcho, Romney's communications director who was heading up the staff team, and the New York Times' Ashley Parker, who represented the media.

He then officiated the game's coin toss?which went for the media.

'That's the last call you guys are getting," Romney joked.

Romney then called his staff to a quick huddle, dispensing some advice.

"Figure out which of their players are best and take them out early," Romney said, as his staff laughed. "Don't worry about injuries guys. This counts? Win!"

Standing along the sidelines, Romney cheered on his aides and ignored questions about Iran and the latest round of polls in the presidential race. Asked if he was ready for Monday's debate, Romney replied, "I'm ready for some football."

Soon the candidate was en route back to his hotel, narrowly missing his wife, Ann, who arrived a few minutes later? in the unofficial staff team uniform--a t-shirt that said, "I Built My Business"--and joined her husband's staff on the playing field.

After a few snaps, Ann Romney, standing in as the Romney team's quarterback, threw a touchdown?which briefly pushed her husband's staff into the lead. But it wasn't enough to put the Romney team over the edge. The game ended in a tie, 14-14.


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Chinese herbs show promise for lung cancer, flu, and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Chinese herbs show promise for lung cancer, flu, and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Oct-2012
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Contact: Jennifer Stawarz
American College of Chest Physicians

Chinese herbs, including JHQG, BFXL, and BFHX, may show significant benefits for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), and influenza. In three separate studies, researchers from China Academy of Chinese Medical Science in Beijing analyzed the health benefits of Chinese herbs on patients with NSCLC, IPF, and seasonal influenza. Researchers found that JHQG helped to prolong survival in patients with metastatic NSCLC compared with patients receiving standard care; was safe and effective in the management of IPF and could also help improve patients' quality of life and activity capacity; and helped to reduce fever in patients with influenza compared with placebo. Researchers conclude that Chinese herbs could be used as an alternative treatment for the aforementioned conditions. This study was presented during CHEST 2012, the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians, held October 20 25, in Atlanta, Georgia.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Chinese herbs show promise for lung cancer, flu, and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Oct-2012
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Contact: Jennifer Stawarz
American College of Chest Physicians

Chinese herbs, including JHQG, BFXL, and BFHX, may show significant benefits for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), and influenza. In three separate studies, researchers from China Academy of Chinese Medical Science in Beijing analyzed the health benefits of Chinese herbs on patients with NSCLC, IPF, and seasonal influenza. Researchers found that JHQG helped to prolong survival in patients with metastatic NSCLC compared with patients receiving standard care; was safe and effective in the management of IPF and could also help improve patients' quality of life and activity capacity; and helped to reduce fever in patients with influenza compared with placebo. Researchers conclude that Chinese herbs could be used as an alternative treatment for the aforementioned conditions. This study was presented during CHEST 2012, the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians, held October 20 25, in Atlanta, Georgia.


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

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Debate moderating: a thankless job

FILE - In this July 23, 2009 file photo, CBS newsman Bob Schieffer, right,arrives for Walter Cronkite's funeral at St. Bartholomew's Church on Park Ave. in New York. Beneath Schieffer's Southern charm is the tough spine of someone used to dealing with politicians. The moderator of Monday's final presidential debate will need it, because it has been open season on the other journalists who have done that job this campaign. Thanks to a bitter campaign rivalry, thriving partisan media outlets and the growth of social media, debate moderator is approaching baseball umpire on the scale of thankless jobs. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

FILE - In this July 23, 2009 file photo, CBS newsman Bob Schieffer, right,arrives for Walter Cronkite's funeral at St. Bartholomew's Church on Park Ave. in New York. Beneath Schieffer's Southern charm is the tough spine of someone used to dealing with politicians. The moderator of Monday's final presidential debate will need it, because it has been open season on the other journalists who have done that job this campaign. Thanks to a bitter campaign rivalry, thriving partisan media outlets and the growth of social media, debate moderator is approaching baseball umpire on the scale of thankless jobs. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

FILE - In this Nov. 8, 2011, file photo, Bob Schieffer arrives at the 59th Annual BMI Country Awards in Nashville. Beneath Schieffer's Southern charm is the tough spine of someone used to dealing with politicians. The moderator of Monday's final presidential debate will need it, because it has been open season on the other journalists who have done that job this campaign. Thanks to a bitter campaign rivalry, thriving partisan media outlets and the growth of social media, debate moderator is approaching baseball umpire on the scale of thankless jobs. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini, File)

(AP) ? Beneath Bob Schieffer's Southern charm is the tough spine of someone used to dealing with politicians. The moderator of Monday's final presidential debate will need it, because it has been open season on the other journalists who have done that job this campaign.

Thanks to a bitter campaign rivalry, thriving partisan media outlets and the growth of social media, debate moderator is approaching baseball umpire on the scale of thankless jobs.

Jim Lehrer was criticized for not doing enough, Candy Crowley for doing too much and Martha Raddatz worked over about the wedding guest list for a marriage that ended more than a decade ago. Though not unanimously so, the barbs were usually partisan in nature.

"There are millions of people with their hands over their keyboards ready to analyze every single moment of what's happening," said veteran TV journalist Jeff Greenfield. "That puts even more pressure on ... It's a no-win situation."

Conservative columnist George Will called last week's get-together on Long Island the best presidential debate he's ever seen.

It didn't take long, however, for Republican Mitt Romney's supporters to go after CNN's Crowley. They said questions that she chose from undecided voters on immigration, gun control and equal pay for women played to President Barack Obama's strengths. They were incensed when Crowley, faced by two candidates in a dispute over what was said during a presidential address about Libya, corrected Romney by saying Obama had referred to an attack on Americans in Benghazi as an "act of terror." Crowley also noted that others in the administration suggested for nearly two weeks that the reaction to an anti-Muslim video was a motivating factor in the attack.

Radio host Rush Limbaugh called Crowley's work "an act of journalistic terror."

"If there were any journalistic standards, what she did last night would have been the equivalent of blowing up her career like a suicide bomber," he said.

The conservative Media Research Center criticized Crowley for having only one question on a foreign policy issue, even though this Monday's Schieffer-moderated debate is supposed to focus on foreign policy.

Thanks to a clock that airs on CNN's screen during the debate, some conservatives saw as a sign of bias that Obama spoke for 44 minutes, 4 seconds during the debate, compared to Romney's 40:50. This prompted CNN to count the actual words spoken by each candidate. The faster-talking Romney said 7,984 words and Obama 7,506.

Criticism of Crowley was a relentless post-debate topic on Fox News Channel, which knows CNN isn't popular among Republicans in its audience. Conservatives on Fox and liberals on MSNBC offer an echo chamber for partisan complaints and have far greater prominence than they had even a decade ago.

"I knew from the start," Crowley told The Associated Press, "somebody is going to be unhappy no matter what you do."

Crowley's bosses leapt to her defense: "She had to deal with the tricky format, the nervous questioners, the aggressive debaters, all while shutting out the pre-debate attempts to spin and intimidate her," CNN U.S. chief Mark Whitaker said in a memo to staff. "She pulled it off masterfully."

Even as each debate progresses, Twitter is crackling with reactions. Type in the moderator's name in a search and the screen immediately fills with tweets. Generally, it's a dependable way to gauge how a candidate is doing. The harsher one party's reaction to a moderator is, the tougher time their candidate is having onstage.

"I've never known the winning side to (complain)," said Aaron Brown, the former ABC and CNN anchor who is now a professor at Arizona State University.

Frustration against Lehrer boiled over predominantly among Democrats like Michael Moore and Rachel Maddow who were witnessing Obama's admittedly poor performance in the first debate. The former PBS host said he essentially tried to get out of the way, asking general questions and letting the candidates go after each other.

"I wondered if we needed a moderator since we had Mitt Romney," Obama's deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter said, even though her candidate talked longer. As in the second debate, Romney spoke more words.

ABC's Raddatz generally received strong reviews for her work moderating the one debate between Vice President Joe Biden and challenger Paul Ryan. Conservative media was buzzing days before the event, however, with the story that future president Obama attended her 1991 wedding to Julius Genachowski, Obama's Harvard classmate. The couple divorced in 1999. Allusions to the wedding popped up in grumbling tweets by Republicans about Raddatz's questioning.

One motive of the pre- and post-debate criticism is to "work the refs," to let the moderators know that partisans are watching. If intimidation works, even on a subtle level, it can seep into their performances at a time when even modest advantages can make a big difference.

During the second debate, George Mason University went so far as to count how many times each candidate and Crowley interrupted one another. They found that Romney was interrupted 58 times and Obama 43. The numbers came with little context, however, so it wasn't clear how many interruptions were related to candidates exceeding agreed-upon time limits.

Crowley's role in the Libyan discussion also raised the issue of how much the moderators should be prepared to practice journalism while onstage. If you hear something factually incorrect or misleading, is it your duty to point it out to viewers, or is that strictly the candidates' job?

For most viewers, the answer no doubt has to do with which candidate is being corrected.

So let's get this moderator's job straight:

Craft sharp questions to get the candidates to talk, while being meticulously fair not to challenge one more than another. Keep an eye on the clock so one candidate doesn't get to hog the time. Don't be bullied; be firm in forcing the candidates to move on. But be flexible enough to keep a productive discussion flowing. Know the difference. Keep the focus off yourself. And do it all on live television before some 60 million people.

Any applicants?

"There is not enough money to get me to do one of these things," Brown said.

Associated Press


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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Copywriter Benefits And How To Become One | Writing and Speaking

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If you aspire to work as a public notice hoc copywriter, you?ll need to know in this area running your copywriting matter: Generating superfluous matter, administration accounts and marketing your copywriting services in addition to copywriting techniques. If you aspire to work in-house, you?ll need to understand how a design, PR or marketing agency gift, by smallest amount in attitude. Fortunately, there?s a wealth of in rank in this area these topics unfilled on the internet, so solely dive in.

You will have to be a surefire pusher as you are at the start commencement, getting your initially first name all ended the niche that you aspire to dedicate physically to in. This is called positioning. Maybe you aspire to be a restaurant copywriter. Perhaps you aspire to be the single copywriter that focuses on the car racing industry, or whatever thing moreover. If you can carve your own niche in an industry, at that time it will be much harder pro your competitors to take away your customers.

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Missing Ore. woman's body found, man arrested

GRESHAM, OREGON - October 18, 2012 - Clint Heichel gets a hug from Lorilei Ritmiller, mother of Whitney Heichel, as he breaks down after he attempted to speak at a news conference Thursday Oct. 18, 2012 in the council chambers for the City of Gresham. (AP Photo/Brent Wojahn, The Oregonian)

GRESHAM, OREGON - October 18, 2012 - Clint Heichel gets a hug from Lorilei Ritmiller, mother of Whitney Heichel, as he breaks down after he attempted to speak at a news conference Thursday Oct. 18, 2012 in the council chambers for the City of Gresham. (AP Photo/Brent Wojahn, The Oregonian)

This department of motor vehicles image provided by the City of Gresham, Ore., shows Whitney Heichel. Police said Friday Oct. 19, 2012, that children playing outside an apartment complex have found the cellphone of Heichel, an Oregon woman who vanished three days ago under suspicious circumstances. Authorities said the phone will be examined Friday for clues about what happened to Heichel after she failed to show up for work Tuesday morning.(AP Photo/DMV via City of Gresham)

Lorilei Ritmiller, mother of Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, who is the subject of a suspicious disappearance case in Gresham speaks at a press conference in the council chambers for the City of Gresham Thursday Oct. 18, 2012. (AP Photo/Brent Wojahn, The Oregonian)

Clint Heichel, husband of Whitney Heichel, 21, of Gresham, Ore., breaks down as he attempts to speak at a press conference Thursday, Oct. 18, 2012 in the council chambers for the City of Gresham. Police say children playing outside an apartment complex have found the cellphone of Whitney Heichel, who vanished three days ago under suspicious circumstances. (AP Photo/The Oregonian, Brent Wojahn) MAGS OUT; TV OUT; LOCAL TV OUT; LOCAL INTERNET OUT; THE MERCURY OUT; WILLAMETTE WEEK OUT; PAMPLIN MEDIA GROUP OUT

Clint Heichel, husband of Whitney Heichel, 21, Gresham, who is the subject of a suspicious disappearance case in Gresham listens at a press conference in the council chambers for the City of Gresham Thursday Oct. 18, 2012.(AP Photo/Brent Wojahn, The Oregonian)

(AP) ? Searchers found the body of a young Oregon woman who vanished this week on her way to work and a neighbor has been arrested, Gresham police said late Friday night.

The body of Whitney Heichel, 21, was found on Larch Mountain, a remote, forested area east of Gresham, Police Chief Craig Junginger told a news conference.

After collecting DNA and fingerprints and conducting three interviews over three days, police arrested Jonathan Holt, 24, of Gresham, for investigation of aggravated murder, the chief said.

Holt lived in the same apartment complex as Heichel and her husband.

The Starbucks barista reportedly left her apartment for work at about 6:45 a.m. Tuesday on a drive that typically takes less than five minutes.

Her husband, Clint, called police roughly three hours later. He told investigators he tried to reach Whitney multiple times after her boss alerted him that she never arrived for her 7 a.m. shift.

Police said Heichel's ATM card was used at a nearby Troutdale gas station at 9:14 a.m. Tuesday. Two hours later, her sport utility vehicle was found in a Wal-Mart parking lot with the passenger side window smashed.

A child later found her cell phone in a field that lies between the gas station and the Wal-Mart, giving investigators another venue to search.

Police have been searching Larch Mountain since Wednesday, believing that Heichel's SUV was driven there.

Detectives interviewed Holt on Wednesday and Thursday before arresting him during a Friday night interview, the chief said.

There were "many inconsistencies" in Holt's interviews, Junginger said.

Additional crime lab evidence received Friday morning tied him to Heichel's vehicle, the chief added.

It was not immediately known if Holt was represented by a lawyer.

Jim Vaughn, a family spokesman, addressed the Friday night news conference, thanking police for their commitment in the case.

"Really, words can't begin to express the sadness that our families are experiencing tonight," Vaughn said.

"Whitney was a very loving person," he added. "She was warm, she was kind, she was everything you would want in a friend, relative, spiritual fellow worshipper."

He asked for privacy for the family, saying "our loss and heartache is too much to bear right now."

Police took no questions.

Associated Press


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Flexible hours, nice co-workers, seeing the world: Fighters talk about fighting for a living

While it's easy to look at fighters as warriors who get in the cage to get to the highest pinnacle of the sport, it's also a job. Like everyone with a job, fighters have to put in hours at their office, do mundane tasks they wish they didn't have to do, and wish they were paid more.

But what are the best parts of being a full-time fighter? Hear from the fighters.

Let's say you had the physical gifts to be a UFC fighter. Is it still a job you would want? Speak up in the comments, on Facebook or on Twitter.


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Prostate Cancer Support Group -

Prostate Cancer Support Group -
Monday, Oct. 22, 2012
Click here for a list of other dates
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Duke Cancer Patient Support Program

This support group is for prostate cancer patients and their family members. Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of every month.

Parking vouchers will be available to group participants.

For more information, please call 919-684-4497 or e-mail
Registration status
No registration required
Duke Cancer Center
Location Specifics
Room 0N01,
0-Level Conference Room by Cancer Center Cafe
20 Duke Medicine Circle
Durham, NC 27710

About This Page

Updated: Nov. 4, 2011


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Movie review: Alex Cross |

Featuring: Tyler Perry, Edward Burns, Matthew Fox

Directed by: Rob Cohen

Running time: 102 minutes

Parental guidance: Violence, sexually suggestive scenesEveryone is allowed to reinvent herself. Even Tyler Perry.

Two and a half stars out of five

Ditching the oversized drag for a great big gun, the man who made Madea a household name, merely through repetition, explores his manly side in this new Rob Cohen (The Fast and the Furious) movie based on a novel by James Patterson.

Taking the screen as titular character Alex Cross, a classic detective comics hero who can tell what you ate for breakfast just by looking at your socks, Perry recreates himself in the twin spirits of James Bond and Shaft ? with a little Sherlock Holmes in there for good measure.

Cross is a family man who works for the Detroit Police Department and he?s one of the best. He and his buddy Tommy Kane (Edward Burns) have taken down some of the city?s worst criminals, so when the chief finds himself with a sticky murder on his hands, he calls in his top guns.

We?ve seen what happened at the now-blood-stained luxury condo. We watched how a beautiful Asian woman and her girlfriends flirted with an unknown mixed martial arts fighter who bought his way into a cage match.

The contender doesn?t talk much, but he really wants to get on the bill. When he warns his opponent not to hit him in the face, the crowd laughs because he?s half the size of the other man in the ring.

Yet, the scrawny fella with the tattoos has that crazy look in his eye. We know he?s a feral animal. He thrashes his opponent and ruins his career with one twist of the arm. Then, he seduces the rich spectator, leads her on with sexual promises and promptly tortures her to death.

The next sequence shows Cross and Tommy snapping on their latex gloves to poke around the crime scene, joking about who has to pick up the amputated thumb to activate the fingerprint scanner.

The whole thing feels so cold and professional, but the killer soon brings an intimacy to the proceedings when he targets Tommy and Cross.

We?re not quite sure why the killer decides to do this, other than he?s a madman with an ability to draw with charcoal in the style of Picasso, but it certainly ramps up the drama in a hurry ? and shakes off a certain amount of predictability by sacrificing central characters at the top of the reel.

Before long, Cross has gone rogue and he?s on a vigilante mission to avenge his family.

The chalk mark outline looks like any other detective thriller, and Alex Cross looks a lot like any other superhero, but this movie feels different and it?s in large part the result of the alchemy between Cohen?s slickness and Tyler?s folksy quality.

Even with a suit and tie, Perry escapes the generic screen presence of most cop characters. A hulking man with a baby face, Perry can pull off the alpha male physicality required for the part. He can also make us believe he?s been raised by Nana Mama (Cicely Tyson), a no-nonsense matriarch who flaps her tea towel to make a point but never loses the sparkle of love in her eye.


If it weren?t for the grotesque violence, ambient misogyny, references to sexual torture and the complete absence of any believable motive, this could have been a pretty decent round of action cinema because the bad guy is truly creepy.

Thanks to Matthew Fox (Lost), ?Picasso? emerges as a formidable force of evil because he loves pain, and he enjoys watching others suffer.

When he?s on screen plotting nasty things or hastily killing some curious onlooker for asking the wrong question, the movie has a good anchor bolt because we?re not sure what he?s going to do next.

Alex isn?t as lucky, because good guys have to work within the rules ? even when they go rogue ? and they are bound to a moral framework.

Against the backdrop of a crumbling Detroit, however, internal steel is allowed to rust because society feels that much closer to the abyss, and life seems that much more meaningless.

This movie captures that emptiness, but almost by accident, because when it kills off important people, it?s barely noted. One female cop is sacrificed, and we barely get another mention of the tragedy, even though she had a rich backstory. It?s as though she didn?t really matter to anyone.

Violence loses all of its cinematic power if we do not care about the victims. It?s just gore porn. Cohen certainly tends in this direction, but Perry does not. After wearing floral prints and offering lectures in Mama Madea?s morality to a generation of Americans, Perry embodies a latent conscience that he carries into Alex Cross ? albeit in a holster.

The resulting clash of mood and feeling brings an edge to this otherwise formulaic exercise, but it also scrambles its brains. The movie never answers the questions it raises and leaves core emotional issues unresolved, or completely unaddressed.

As a test of Perry?s masculine star power, Alex Cross does what it has to do ? from showing the actor in tank tops to lovemaking with the ladies. Yet, the scenes he shares with ?Nana Mama? have the most credibility ? even with bad dialogue ? because they play to Perry?s real potency, which unlike most male actors has nothing to do with guns or muscles, but a moral spine.

Without this inherent goodness, Alex Cross would have been entirely unwatchable because it?s simply too dark, and too cavalier with horror. As it is, it?s a bit like Madea playing Rambo: Weird, but compelling enough for the duration.


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Thursday, October 18, 2012

iPhone 5 is still short on supply, here's why - News - Know Your Cell

Apple has been short on its iPhone 5 supply since day one, and it isn't just because they're selling like hotcakes. The shortage may actually be due to the fact that the iPhone 5 is Apple's most complex handset yet, according to a Wednesday report from The Wall Street Journal.?

One of the company's contractors, Hon Hai Precision Industry (which most of us know better by its Foxconn trading name), told WSJ that the supply shortage is actually due to the complicated nature of the product. Here's how he put it:

?The iPhone 5 is the most difficult device that Foxconn has ever assembled. To make it light and thin, the design is very complicated. It takes time to learn how to make this new device. Practice makes perfect. Our productivity has been improving day by day."

Hon Hai has reportedly taken steps to improve its productivity, and has also added a new quality check procedure. But as the official pointed out, there are always limitations. ?It's always hard to satisfy both aesthetic needs and practical needs,? he noted.

Before this we heard that Sharp was part of of the iPhone 5 production problem, as it purportedly had issues churning out Apple's new screens fast enough. But the company eventually responded, stating that its production was perfectly adequate and the reports regarding it were inaccurate.?




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Whip it Onion style (Unqualified Offerings)

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Lose Weight Safely And Easily With These Tips : Premier Diet and ...

Posted by haleyjonas on Thursday, October 18, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

Surgery to increase weight loss is found to be effective for many patients in the long term. If you want to qualify for a gastric bypass, you have to be 100 pounds overweight. A few insurance companies, including Medicare, will pay for lap band surgery. Many patients, however, will have to pay for it themselves.

When you suspect you are hungry, hold off for at least fifteen minutes before eating. You may feel hungry, but actually be thirsty or bored. Try drinking some water and going for a short walk. If you are hungry after this, then you can eat food.

Reduce the amount of stress in your life. When you?re stressed, your temptation for eating unhealthy food increases. Focus on maintaining a tranquil mood and reducing the amount of stress during the day.

TIP! Getting the proper amount of sleep is also essential in weight loss. Good mental health contributes to good physical health, so aim for 7-9 hours of rest every night.

Have ice instead of junk food. This can eliminate the urge to snack, especially during those times when you aren?t really craving food so much as wanting something to keep your mouth busy.

Before leaving for work, allow time for a morning breakfast. Don?t make the mistake of grabbing a ?convenient? breakfast just because you?re in a hurry. These types of items will fill you with unnecessary calories. By eating some fruit and oatmeal in the early morning when you?re at home, there will be no excuse to get a breakfast pastry high in calories.

Workout while you?re talking on the phone. Instead of sitting down while you are talking, get up and move around when you are on the phone. You don?t have to engage in heavy exercise. Just walking around the room and doing a few chores will burn some extra calories and can have an effect on the shape of your body over time.

TIP! Try eating whipped butter. Butter is an item that many people don?t want to eliminate or replace.

Diet pills that make outrageous claims about their results, should be avoided. They will most likely only cause you to become addicted to them, not benefit from them. Companies that produce this type of product omit important information, making it impossible to make an intelligent purchasing decision. It is better to drop weight naturally.

Proceed slowly and continue at a steady pace. Although losing weight quickly provides instant results, they aren?t sustainable since you?ve mainly lost water weight. Quick weight loss normally leads to gaining back all the weight plus some extra pounds.

Celebrate each weight loss milestone. Celebrate by buying yourself a small treat or take some time off for yourself to do something you enjoy, but don?t usually have time to do. You will be more likely to stick to your goals if you embrace this technique.

TIP! Talk to your friends and family about their diets. Look for people with a body or fitness level you wish to emulate.

An individual who is overweight as a child may very well carry that characteristic into adulthood. It?s not something a parents want for their kids. It is best to start teaching your children how to eat healthily while they are young. Get your children interested by teaching them to read nutrition labels on foods. Letting them pick their own fruits and vegetables is another way to make nutrition fun. As they grow into healthy young adults, they will appreciate your efforts and concerns.

Many people attempting to lose weight often make the error of keeping their goal a secret. They will keep you encouraged and motivated if they know the things you want to accomplish. This could help you avoid situations where you are afraid to turn down fattening foods from your host.

You should completely cut out soda from your diet. Soda is packed with unhealthy carbohydrates and sugar that can make your cravings stronger. Rather, instead of these unhealthy drinks, it is always best to go with a delicious glass of water to quench your thirst.

TIP! During the weight loss process, you might want to purchase smaller clothing at thrift, consignment or discount stores. This is a good idea because you do not want to spend a lot of money on clothes that will not fit you for long.

If you are working full-time, you should bring snacks to work to munch on. This can be one of the most important decisions you make if you have to work a lot of hours so that you do not binge when you finally get home. You may end up reaching for something from a vending machine that will really hurt your dieting efforts.

One good tip for those new at losing weight is to just start small. Slowly try to get rid of your unhealthy habits and develop better ones. If you try to give up every vice at once, you might be setting yourself up for disaster.

Adding whole grains to your diet can help you lose weight. Try speaking with a dietician about whole grain or research them yourself. Do not buy anything that happens to have refined or enriched ingredients. Even if a product advertises that it?s made from whole grains, it?s important to read the label to make sure there are no other additives or refined flours in that product.

TIP! When eating out at restaurant with a loved one, try chatting most of the time. As you talk, your food has a chance to begin digesting and assuage some of your hunger.

Fill up on low calorie foods that are high in fiber so they fill you up. Eating a bowl of soup, a green salad, or some low-calorie veggies such as celery or carrot sticks prior to eating a meal can help you feel full quicker. Drinking low calorie beverages, like coffee, tea or sparkling water, before sitting down to a big meal can also blunt hunger pangs and help you eat less.

Make sure you keep yourself healthy snacks with you when you?re on the go. Such snacks include vegetables, string cheese and nuts. This is ideal for you to munch on when you need a snack, as it includes a number of healthy choices. This also makes an easy, on the go, healthy snack.

If you are trying to lose weight, you need to eat better. Empty your refrigerator and pantry of all the items that can be considered detrimental to your weight loss goals. Eat right so you can lose that weight!

TIP! When you are trying to lose weight, cut down on the amount of red meat you consume. Red meat contains high quantities of saturated fats and unhealthy cholesterol.

There are quite a few patients, about one-fifth, that experience complications from weight-loss surgery that require further surgical intervention. Nutritional deficiencies can also develop, and the rapid rate at which patients lose weight can put them at a higher risk for gallstones. A fitness routine and diet are still required for a patient who has achieved weight loss through surgery.


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